Written By: MRC_BillyDaKid
M Hand 1 Mirrors Bids Spades if None Nil
I Hand 2 Insane 1 prd Nils Other Bids Diamonds
D Hand 3 Ditto Second bidder must bid the same as first bidder; forth bidder bids same as third bidder. Bid is regular.
N Hand 4 Nine If you have a Black Nine bid 3 If You have a Red Nine Bid if you have more than 1 add them If You have None Bid 1
I Hand 5 Irate Every Bid 1 and Play Crawl and Strip Play Lowest to highestall suits, and cant play spades til all u have left
T Hand 6 Thrill Bid 3 or Nil
E Hand 7 Even Can Only Bid Even # 0,2,4,6,8
R Hand 8 Red's Must play all RED cards BEFORE black cards can be played, bid regular, dn allowed.
I Hand 9 In da Groove 1st Bidder Picks Suit to Whiz , 2nd Bidder pick Different Suit 3rd Bidder a Different Suit and 4th Bidder gets the remaining Suit
D Hand 10 Deuce Bid 2 for Every 2 in your hand If None bid 3
E Hand 11 Escape Bid Regualr BUT, Person taking 1st Trick MUST play Strip (cant play spades Til all you have left) the remainder of Hand
R Hand 12 Reflections Bid Same As your Prd
S Hand 13 Suicide 1 Prd Must Nil/DN Other Bids Regular
5 Hand Limit All Rounds